Running Tips for Beginners

If you are gearing up to take your running skills to another level, there are a few fitness tips that you should keep in mind. Whether you are training for cross-training or a half-marathon, we have exactly what you need to help you in your quest to improve your overall fitness and performance.

First things first, your shoe game is the most important element that will help you achieve your running dreams. Comfort and durability are what truly matter the most, therefore, don’t try and skimp out on the price tag because as the old saying goes, “you get what you pay for.”

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Contrary to popular belief, when purchasing the ultimate running shoe, you should consult with a knowledgeable sales associate. They can help ensure that you are making a quality purchase that is the perfect fit for your foot type in determining if you are underpronate, overpronate, or have a neutral gait.

Grab your girls and establish a group running session. Being surrounded by other like-minded runners can help you stay motivated, inspired, and fully committed. There will be days when your mind is telling you, “YES” but your body is telling you “NO.” Instead of rolling over in bed your personal running group will help you stay on top of your running A-Game by helping you stay accountable for your actions.

Trust us; resting does the body good. In establishing a hardcore running routine, it is imperative that you have at least one day of rest in between. Involving yourself with any type of exercise creates tiny micro tears within your muscle tissues. This is a very normal process, but if you don’t allow your muscles the ability to rebuild and recover, chances are during your next run you will feel sore and tired.

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The power of a warm-up is often ignored. Before you set out to pound the pavement, stretch your muscles the right way. No need to go overboard with your stretching warm-up routine because five minutes is a sufficient amount of time to do the trick.

Last but not least, hydrate your body with H2O, preferably 20 ounces, two hours prior to your run. On the other hand, if you are running more than 45 minutes it is time to switch gears and have a sports drink instead of water. Your vital electrolyte levels, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium, will thank you later.

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