Unsweetened Lifestyle: Saying No To Sugar

Do not let sugar’s iridescent charm sway you towards her captivating, sweet savor.

In fact, be cautious of a diet high in sugar, which can lead to many ailments and it is the leading cause of spiraling obesity rates. Even so, the intense addiction to sugar runs rampant in our society and for many, an unsweetened world is unfathomable.

The harmful effects of sugar:

  1. Overloads and damages your liver.
  2. Tricks the body into gaining weight and affects your insulin and leptin signaling.
  3. Causes metabolic dysfunction including weight gain, abdominal obesity, elevated blood sugar, and high blood pressure.
  4. Increases uric acid levels, which can be a risk factor for heart and kidney disease.

So, how do we prevail against such an alluring adversary?

  1. Choose Wisely

Read and understand the nutrition labels on your food, especially the ingredient list. Anything ending in “ose”- glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, and maltose is a form of sugar; as are honey, agave, molasses, and syrups. The higher up the ingredient list, the more it has.


  1. Gradual Change

Sugar detox is not an easy feat. Many great men have been rendered helpless to this shimmering goddess. Victory comes in small strides. Gradually implement steps to eliminating sugary foods.


  1. Gut Health

The microbes that reside in our digestive tract are vital to our health. Those with “bad” bacteria in our gut tend to naturally crave sugar more. Therefore, a natural way to help eliminate the “bad” bacteria from the body is by regularly taking probiotics. Whether you take probiotics or indulge in Greek yogurt, your gut will thank you.


  1. Curb Craving

Cutting sugar from our diet will naturally increase the insatiable desire for something sweet. To combat these sweet cravings, take vitamins that contain chromium, this will help appease sugary cravings.


  1. Protein

Protein-rich foods are broken down more slowly and therefore, stay in the stomach longer, making us feel fuller so we will not be tempted to reach for sugary snacks.


While the idea of living a sugarless lifestyle can be daunting, there is some sweet news. According to the American Heart Association, the maximum amount of added sugars you could eat in a day is 150 calories per day for men (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons) and 100 calories per day for women (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).


There now… you can breathe again.



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