White Hot

NEW YOU Anti-Aging Tip: Focus on simple tricks to keep your smile and your face looking young. 

There’s no denying that one of the best anti-aging accessories a woman can wear is a smile. Unfortunately, as we age and take on certain habits, we have to work a little harder to keep those pearly whites shinning. Try these quick tips to maintain a winning smile:

Watch your liquid diet. Avoid consuming foods that will stain your teeth, such as coffee and red wine. If you can’t live without that morning cup of coffee, consider using a straw. If you can’t live without a glass of red, visit the ladies room, and gargle with water, but do not use toothpaste right away.

Eat your fruits and veggies. Certain crunchy foods such as apples and carrots actually work to remove stains by exfoliating teeth while you chew.

Don’t neglect your dentist. Regular visits to the dentist will help remove stubborn stains and provide additional teeth whitening procedures.

DIY In between visits to your provider, select one of the commercially available gels, pens, or kits that promise a whiter smile in days.


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