Red Carpet Ready Skin With Moxi

What would you say if I told you that you could have red-carpet-ready skin with no downtime and just one treatment?

Meet Moxi, a new laser treatment from Sciton that can make these issues a thing of the past.  Moxi is a fractional non-ablative thulium laser. Let’s break that down into more detail.   The treatment is non-ablative, meaning the beam of light energy does not break the skin, which means less downtime.  It’s fractional, meaning that it rejuvenates skin by creating tiny, microscopic zones of injury underneath the skin surface, like aerating a lawn.  Moxi is a thulium laser (1927 nm wavelength) that treats pigment in the superficial layers of your skin.

The result? A treatment that results in luminous skin free of brown spots (hyperpigmentation) that can be caused by sun damage or melasma, with virtually no downtime, no discomfort, and best of all, less expensive that many other types of laser treatments.

So, what makes Moxi so special?  “Moxi’s wavelength targets the ‘sweet spot’ in between the deep and very superficial layers of skin, where most pigment issues occur”, according to Dr. Sherrif Ibrahim, founder of Rochester Dermatologic Surgery and Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York.  “Additionally, we see a ‘polishing effect’ of the skin with Moxi, which makes the skin look radiant and healthy”, Ibrahim comments.

Because Moxi treatments result in little to no downtime, they can be combined with other common aesthetic treatments at the same appointment, which is a time saver for patients.  Since the treatment only takes about 30 minutes, patients can also return to work or go about with the rest of their day without interruption, which is a huge convenience. 

Moxi can be customized based on your skin situation and goals:

Level 1: Prevention or “prejuvenation”

Level 2: Maintenance – to help extend results of this procedure or other deeper resurfacing treatments

Level 3:  Transform and renew- like a light resurfacing treatment, which involves minimal social downtime

Want to take your results to the next level?  Combine your Moxi treatment with BBL (broad brand light) HERO (High Energy Rapid Output) treatment. 

What this means for you:

  • Broad band light is like intense pulsed light, only stronger
  • HERO, or High Energy Rapid Output means the handpiece is in constant motion during your treatment.  Most BBL or IPL devices require the provider to administer treatment as a series of pulses that are placed in “stamp pattern”.  The in-motion ability of BBL HERO means the treatment is more powerful, takes less time, and provides great results without those rectangles or squares that you see on your skin afterwards.  And most importantly, it makes the treatment safer for the patient.

“Combining Moxi with BBL HERO compounds the results that you can get by using just each treatment individually”, comments Dr. Ibrahim.  “One plus one equals ten.”  Dr. Ibrahim combines these two treatments together 90% of the time and gets stellar results in just one treatment.  “The skin looks polished and radiant and the combination of the two treatments treats pigment better than other more intense treatments.”  And Dr. Ibrahim should know…his study with MOXI and BBL HERO treatments earned him the Maverick Award at the 2021 Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Show.  This is an award given to physicians for innovative and forward-thinking treatments. 

So, how do you know if you are a candidate for Moxi?  “One of the greatest things about Moxi is that it can be used on all skin types,” according to Dr. Ibrahim. Additionally, because of the wavelength, men do not have to shave their beards to be treated.  Another plus is that it does not require an extensive pre-treatment skin care routine.  Ideal candidates are those looking prevent the aging effects on their skin or address brown spots or melasma.  Moxi can be used anywhere on or off-face.  It can also help extend the results of a deeper resurfacing treatment. 

What Can I Expect During a Moxi Treatment?

The first step to red-carpet-ready Moxi skin is a consultation.  Your provider with review your medical history and treatment goals and explain how Moxi can help you achieve those results.  They may recommend combining Moxi with BBL HERO or another treatment. Provided that you have not had recent sun exposure, you may be able to get the treatment the same day.  The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. Your provider will most likely use a numbing cream and/or forced air to make the treatment more comfortable.  You will be provided safety goggles to protect your eyes during the treatment.  The treatment is performed by rolling the handpiece over the skin.  The “roller” tracks your treatment is disposable and is only used on your skin.  Most patients describe the treatment as feeling warm with a slight prickling sensation, but comfortable and tolerable.  NOTE:  if you are receiving a combination Moxi/BBL HERO treatment, the BBL treatment will be completed first and will take about five minutes.

After treatment, your skin will feel a little warm for one to two hours, and may be a little red. It is important that you follow the post-treatment instructions following your treatment avoid the sun during this time.  Higher level Moxi treatments may make your skin feel “sandy” as it heals; most patients can wear make-up within an hour or two after treatment. Post-treatment skin care includes gentle cleansing twice a day, followed by moisturizer and a broadband UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30.

Looking at the before and after photos, you can easily see why we here at NEW YOU are Mad about Moxi!  With just one treatment and about a day of downtime, you too can have red-carpet ready polished, radiant, glowing skin. To learn more about what Moxi and BBL HERO can do for you speak to your aesthetic provider or go to to find a provider near you.

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