Dye it Yourself

NEW YOU Beauty Tip: Do your homework before testing hair dyes at home.

Up to 40 % of women in the US use at-home hair color to avoid the time and cost associated with a trip to the salon. Since most of us are not experts, it is important to follow these simple steps to avoid embarrassing color mistakes.

Select your shade carefully. Stay within 2-3 shades of your natural hue for the most natural effect. If there is any doubt, choose a lighter shade so you can always gradually go darker if necessary.

Condition. Give your strands a dose of moisture to protect them from the harsh chemicals. Color takes best to hydrated, healthy hair.

Pre-shampoo. Try to shampoo your hair a day or two prior to coloring. Your hair’s natural oils will prevent irritation and protect your scalp.

Do a strand test. This will give you an idea of how your hair will absorb the color and alert you to any allergic reactions.


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