Expert Tip: Change Your Skin Care Each Season

All things transition according to the season. Seasons change our weather, activities, fashion, buying trends and yes, even our skincare needs to change according to the season. 

By: Robyn Newmark – The Hollywood Beauty Guru @getnewmarkbeauty

Transitioning our skincare with the season is not only logical but it is also what a professional considers when treating your skin. With each season we face different elements and activities that directly affect our skin. 

Here is my seasonal skincare guide as a Hollywood Beauty Guru so you’ll know how to perfectly prepare your skin for any type of weather. 

Summer is here and it’s all about protection! 

 If you don’t do anything else during summer, at least wear SPF.

I can tell you as a beauty professional the one thing that I see aging people the fastest is over exposure to the sun. It breaks down your cells beyond repair and even leads to cancer. I think the more we learn about the sun the more urgent it becomes to protect ourselves from its effects on our skin. 

During summer your most important regimen should be SPF and vitamin C. Also implementing antioxidants such as Green tea, Aloe and Vitamin E into your regimen will help soothe any sun exposure. During summer we must shield and protect. Vitamin C will help keep the skin bright while SPF will block the sun. It is important to stay off of hydroquinone products, peels, and retinols as these products are very sensitive to sun exposure and can result in increased skin damage. 

Just remember- Sunscreen is King, everything else is Queen. Other than that, just relax and enjoy your summer. Besides, who wants to be healing from treatments all the time. During the summer my only request is to wear SPF and have fun!

Fall is the brightening season, also known as “Peel Season”. 

Why? Because after the long days in the summer sun we often have some extended sun damage, more freckles, brown spots and uneven skin. 

The fall is a great time for deeper exfoliation to reveal a beautiful glow. Chemical peels are a great way to give your face a fresh start by peeling away all the damage from summer, eliminate brown spots and brighten the skin’s overall complexion. It will also improve texture from acne scars and tighten the skin, minimizing wrinkles. 

Just like a snake sheds to reveal a new skin, so must we. It is a healthy part of the renewal process and during the fall season I highly recommend you seek out your esthetician for a good peel. If you decide to peel at home then this is the season to introduce your retinols, hydroquinones and glycolics. A good peel not only brightens and tightens, but it does wonders for congestion and detoxing skin. In fall don’t be afraid to have a good peel and brighten up your complexion by shedding into new skin. 

Winter is all about protection and hydration. 

Especially coming out of peel season, it is really important to keep your fresh new skin covered in SPF. 

Winter is when a lot of sun damage can occur simply because the sun is not so obvious. Most people forget to wear sunscreen regularly in winter because it’s cloudy and they don’t think the sun is really shining. But I assure you, even a cloudy day brings some highly damaging UV rays. 

Since skin typically produces less oil in the cooler months, your skin can start to experience extra dryness. The winter cold and wind can be very hard on the skin so hydration is key. Hydration will keep your skin from becoming chapped and broken down by the winter chill. 

Products with Hyaluronic Acid, hydrating serums and facial oils are lifesavers this time of year. This is also a great time to sit at home and do a hydrating mask. 

I always like to enjoy the winter season with hot baths and essential oils to keep the skin on my body hydrated and nourished, or lather up those hands and feet in your favorite lotion and sleep in gloves or socks. Hydration and SPF protection is the best way to prepare for winter. 

Spring is the season for renewal and regeneration. 

I like to think of this period as the season you give to your skin. Spring is a great time for treatments like vitamin C infusions, antioxidant rich facials, fruit masks and enzymes. Regenerative therapies such as human growth factors will repair the skin and deliver the proteins it needs for autoimmune response. Microchanneling and other collagen induction therapies are also beneficial to tighten and firm the skin. 

 This time of year we should be building up the immunity of our skin, tightening the elasticity and giving it all the nutrients that it needs. Especially after a winters beating. 

No matter the season, it is up to you to be equipped and prepared so you can always have your best face forward. 

For more of my seasonal skin care tips and product recommendations visit or reach us for more advice on Instagram @getnewmarkbeauty.

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