60 seconds to Self Care

Every new year we make resolutions to read more, lose weight, etc. But taking care of yourself should be your No.1 resolution. Why? Practicing self-care can help with all of those things, as it is an essential aspect of stress management. Unfortunately, many of us think there just isn’t enough time in the day to pamper ourselves. 

“A common misconception about self-care is that it is selfish. But there is nothing more selfless than making sure you are as physically and mentally ready to be fully present for your family, friends, and your workplace,” said Beth Lauren, a certified Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, owner of Sangha NYC and author of Reeling: Misadventures in Moviemaking, Money and Love. “But, self-care doesn’t have to be an entire spa day; it can just mean adding a few rituals to your daily routine.” 

So, what if we said you could practice self-care in just one minute? Here are expert tips and items that can help you achieve this goal today and every day.

Listen To Music

Whether traveling or at home this winter, mindfulness should be part of your everyday life.

Don’t know where to start? Just listen to music. Studies show music acts much in the same way as meditation in that it affects deep emotional centers in the brain. Plus, it makes us present, which reduces anxiety. And the great part is it is something you can do any time, anywhere. With new technologies like the Delphin waterproof streaming media player and Liddle Speaker by D3 Products, you can put on soothing or energetic music wherever you are to reap instant health benefits. 

Drink a Green Juice

Ever heard of ‘you are what you eat? If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, celebrity nutritionist Dr. Daryl Gioffre suggests to go slow and keep it simple. One of the easiest ways to get started on healthy eating habits is to add a green juice to your morning routine. The Alkamind Acid Kicking Greens is a powder that can be added to water, and in seconds it becomes a nutrient-dense juice. According to Dr. Gioffre, a green juice is going to be the best way to get all of these tremendous dark greens into your body to kick acid and strengthen your immune system. That’s incredibly important, especially in the winter.

Get Cozy

We all know that getting cozy feels good. But it’s a self-care practice that has many health benefits too. In fact, the Danish have an entire concept–hygge–that means mindfully creating a cozy and comfortable environment. And from that, researchers have found practicing hygge improves overall happiness, decreases the adrenal stress response, and helps you be present. So while we don’t always have the time to curl up under a blanket and sip tea, you can get instantly cozier by doing work on the couch with a weighted blanket from Bearaby, donning a cozy robe from Weezie while doing chores around the house, or putting on super soft socks like these from Able Made, made with certified organic cotton and cruelty-free Merino wool, so every step is a little more comfortable.

Scrape Your Tongue

Yes, this might sound like a weird suggestion. But, the ancient medicine system of Ayurveda has found that the daily self-care practice–which takes just a few seconds–has many benefits. “The daily Ayurvedic practice includes quick self-care rituals such as using a tongue scraper to remove residual food particles and harmful bacteria in mere seconds,” said Lauren. Plus, pairing that with a couple of minutes of meditation in the morning “can really help you manage the stresses that come up throughout the day.” 

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