HUGZ Founder Lexi Hensler on Her Line of Weighted Stuffed Animals and Why We Need to Keep Talking About Mental Health

Lexi Hensler was first thrust into the spotlight when she began a career as a model, but soon realized the power and reach of social media after she began posting images to Instagram.  As a business major in college, she saw the true potential and possibility of digital marketing and has since become a powerhouse as one of today’s most influential content creators.   She’s also an activist and an entrepreneur who is on a mission to destigmatize mental health.  We spoke with Lexi about her new brand, “Hugz,” her perspective on life, and why the conversation surrounding mental health is so meaningful to her.

 1.  What can you tell our readers about the Hugz brand?

Hugz is a brand devoted to promoting mental health and wellness, beginning with our first product of weighted stuffed animals that simulates the feeling of being hugged, which helps to calm. As weighted blankets have been demonstrated to improve symptoms from anxiety and depression, I wanted to develop something more portable, accessible and affordable. As part of merchandise for fans launched in 2020, I piloted a weighted stuffed llama that sold out quickly. I was touched by feedback from fans throughout the world on the difference our weighted Llama made on their mental well-being, which has led to our new therapeutic company, Hugz. As I believe in normalizing the conversation on mental health, a portion of Hugz proceeds goes to mental health charities.

  2.  Why is furthering the conversation around mental health so meaningful to you?

I struggled with depression and anxiety from an early age, encountering stigma and shame about my mental health from peers and others when I tried to seek support. My mental health was made worse by being bullied in high school, where it got to the point that I had crippling panic attacks that made it hard at times for me to leave the house. One’s mental health should be looked at the same as if someone has any type of illness; mental health is health. However, the reality is that one in five children have a diagnosable mental health condition, and only 20% of those youth are receiving adequate management of their mental health needs. The rate of self-harm among girls between the ages of 10 to 14 has tripled in recent years! We must normalize the conversation around mental health. We must recognize the signs and symptoms so that we can help others. I was able to get the help I needed, but not everyone is as fortunate due to poor access to mental healthcare with long wait times or lack of evidence-based care. I intentionally decided to use my social media platform to spread awareness on mental health and wellness. You never know what someone is going through. It is important to me that people know that you can be in the darkest place possible and then come out of it on a brighter path.

  3.  For those who may not be familiar with your work, how did you become such an influential content creator? When did you realize this was something you could do professionally?

Through being a content creator, I am fortunate to combine two things that I love, business and creativity. I grew up acting, singing and performing stand-up comedy. While studying in college, I started modeling and posting the photos on social media. I quickly realized that social media wasn’t just a fun creative space, but also a business. I started posting comedy and wellness content, and began to see more followers. My social media further took off when Brent Rivera asked me to join AMP World, a content group  in 2018.

My brand is about positivity, being kind to others and giving back, where I have been able to connect with millions of people around the world. I have spent the last four years learning more about the power of social media to uplift others by providing comedic entertainment through AMP. I recently left AMP World to relocate to Los Angeles and pursue more of my content priorities related to lifestyle, mental health, travel adventures, as well as comedy, singing and acting.

I strive to use my platform to inspire others to feel confident in who they are and be their true, authentic selves. I only hope sharing my mental health journey can help others to know that they should hold on for better days. 

  4.  After an illness nearly cost you your life, you have since gone on to create a bucket list of 50 things you want to conquer in your lifetime, which you’ve been posting to your channels. What are some of the things that you’ve been able to cross off?

I have been incredibly blessed to cross-off more things on my list than expected. This past year alone I have stayed in an underwater hotel, learned how to fly a helicopter, sky dived out of a hot air balloon, and swam with sharks. Facing my mortality, I realized the fragility and shortness of life. I promised myself during my recovery to not ever let fear or excuses get in the way of living life to the fullest. Living life to fullest is different for each individual, but, for me, it’s traveling where you get to experience and appreciate different cultures, jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, and saying yes to every opportunity. 

  5.  When it comes to taking time for yourself when not filming, how would you describe your perfect day?

A perfect day is spending time with loved ones and my dog Benji. I love to start off the day with some exercise, which I’ve noticed has made the biggest positive impact on my mental health, and then spend some time outside. If I’m not feeling as adventurous as hiking or kayaking, I’ll do a self-care day.

  6.  What would you say is the greatest life lesson you’ve learned so far?

I have learned how short and precious life is. With that lesson came other smaller lessons that taught me to let go of the fear of failure and anything holding you back from reaching your full potential. It can be terrifying to try and fail, but never more scary than looking back and wondering what could have happened. I made a vow to myself after my hospitalization to live every day to its fullest.

  7.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are you hoping to accomplish? 

I have key professional and personal goals over the next five years. Professionally, I definitely plan to continue to grow as a creator. I would like to continue to further my career into acting and pursue music as well. Through my platforms, I feel privileged to continue to inform people about health and mental wellness, as well as make people laugh, entertaining audiences for a brief moment from their busy and stressful lives. My other professional goal is to grow our new company Hugz, where our mission is to be part of the solution to provide research-based products and information to help improve mental health, as well as normalize the conversation on health and mental wellness.

I would also like to support improving mental health policy. For far too long mental health has been under-resourced with inadequate investment, resulting in very poor access to high quality care. It has been shown that by identifying mental health needs early and connecting people to care quickly is key to making sure that youth and adults get the support that they need. Sadly, there is a significant lag time – on average between 6-10 years – between the time a person is identified with a mental health issue and the time that person receives a mental health diagnosis; this needs to change as mental health is health. I hope to see a society where people are more understanding of mental health concerns with less stigma, where it’s actually cool to invite someone to sit with you in school instead of the peer pressure to conform as it is today.

Finally, I hope to have visited my 50th country. I look forward to what life has in store for me! 

 8.  Going back to Hugz, which of the animals is your favorite? Or do you have a favorite?

I love all three of our first set of Hugz weighted stuffed animal friends– they each provide wonderful personality characteristics, making a nice team! Our elephant, Eugene, reflects the empathetic and comforting nature of elephants, who are inclusive beings. We also chose a sloth, named Sid after Ice Age, as sloths are happy, calm with a stress-free outlook on life. Sid the Sloth is our first emotional-support stuffed animal to have weighted arms as well so that it feels even more like a real hug. Finally, we have our original weighted stuffed llama as llamas are bold, confident and loveably quirky, which aligns with my message to love your unique self and just do you!

  9.  What advice do you have for someone who may be struggling with anxiety or depression? 

It is completely normal to struggle with your mental health, especially after the last few years. I recommend connecting with services, including therapy, as it can be very helpful. Information is key. Find what works best for you, including having a mental health “toolbox” of things that can help you in moments of struggle. For me, my toolbox includes sunlight; daily exercise or, if I’m short on time, stretches; deep breathing; practicing gratitude; reframing/stopping negative self-talk; and speaking to someone, whether it’s a therapist or a friend. A regular sleep schedule has a positive impact on mental well-being. Also, I suggest avoiding processed foods by eating healthier as the health of our gut has been directly linked to depression.

I also want to share that, despite the hardest and darkest moments, I am so glad that I held in there as things do get better. If I had not obtained help and worked to improve my mental well-being, I would have missed out on all the amazing experiences that life has to offer. By sharing my story, perhaps it can help save a life and become part of someone’s story of surviving and thriving. It has been so gratifying to receive messages from youth around the world that I have been able to help. And it’s wonderful to see more people post about mental health on their pages, spreading awareness and helping others! 

10.  Lastly, where can our readers buy Hugz animals, and where can they learn more about the brand?

Our line of Hugz weighted stuffed animals can be found on our website at . We also have a ton of information on our website, as well as our Instagram page of @giveahugzz. We love to post mental health and wellness quotes on our Instagram page, and mental health resources that people can access for help. 

You can keep up with Lexi on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube @LexiHensler.
Lexi Hensler Photo Credits: Andre Nguyen

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