Migraine Relief

NEW YOU Health Tip: Focus on prevention when it comes to migraine treatment. 

The root cause of migraines is still uncertain, but medical specialists recognize a variety of factors that will trigger them. If you are prone to these severe headaches, the best treatment is prevention. While avoidance is not always possible, there are a number of methods you can try that may lessen the frequency of migraines.

1. Manage Stress. Manage stress through relaxation techniques such a meditation, yoga, and positive thinking can help ward off migraines.
2. Avoid Alcohol. While some people are not affected by alcohol, others have noticed that red wine in particular can cause migraines.
3. Watch your sleep patterns. Too little sleep or too much sleep have both been known to trigger migraines.
4. Exercise. Many have found that regular exercise helps to reduce the frequency of migraines.

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