What is Mommy Makeover surgery?

Mommy Makeover surgery is one of the most transformative procedures that plastic surgeons perform. Moms go through a lot of changes with pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The breasts become engorged with milk leading to enlargement and stretching of the skin. Similarly, the abdomen expands as the new baby grows leading to stretching of the overlying muscles and skin.

Fortunately, after the baby is born and breastfeeding is over, many people experience contraction of the skin and muscles and the body returns to near normal. However, many moms are left with excess skin or stretched out muscles that won’t improve on their own. Mommy Makeover surgery is designed to improve these areas, typically the breasts and abdomen, to restore a look similar to that of before pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover surgery can vary depending on the individual’s anatomy because everyone is affected by pregnancy in different ways. Regarding the breasts, some moms just need a lift to make the breasts perkier. Others just need more volume that can be provided by implants or fat injection. Some others may need a little bit of both, combining a lift with implants or fat injection. Since it is difficult to be sure which option is the best for you, seeing a plastic surgeon is the best first step in figuring out which way to go.

For the abdomen, most moms who have residual changes from pregnancy will need tightening of the abdominal muscles. This involves a tummy tuck where the excess skin and fat are removed and the underlying abdominal muscles are tightened with sutures. This restores the flat contour of the abdomen and it usually leads to improved function of the abdominal muscles as well. Liposuction of the abdomen or back can be included to further narrow the waistline if needed.

Mommy Makeover surgery can be customized to achieve your goals. When preparing for your Mommy Makeover consultation, look through some before and after photos online. Try to find before photos that are similar to your appearance in order to help you get an idea of a realistic result. Think about what size bra size you would like to end up with and whether you would be ok with extra scars to get a perkier result.

Recovery from Mommy Makeover surgery can be involved. You will need to avoid lifting anything over 20 pounds for at least four weeks. That means no lifting kids up into the crib, highchair, bathtub, or car seat. Be prepared to have some help at home from either family or friends during your recovery. Some mom’s decide to wait until their children are a bit older before having surgery so that they won’t miss out on the frequent lifting that is a part of motherhood. Also, it is best to be finished having kids prior to Mommy Makeover surgery. No sense in tightening up that skin and then stretching it out with another pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover surgery is a great way to fix those stubborn effects of pregnancy. To get the best outcome, try to be in good shape prior to surgery. The better shape you are in before surgery, the better your result!

For more information on Dr. Newman and the “Mommy Makeover,” please visit www.drnewmanbeverlyhills.com.

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