Do you practice the anti-aging lifestyle that you recommend?

I am always disturbed when I visit with a doctor who doesn’t practice what he preaches. What made you practice anti-aging medicine, and is it part of your lifestyle?

I began practicing anti-aging medicine seven or eight years ago, and it was because of my personal experience. I was practicing emergency medicine for a long time, and it was very frustrating because these were people for whom I could offer little. It was already too late; they had too many medical problems. I was also practicing with a large physician group, working long hours, feeling tired and dragged out. My quality of life was going down. So I went to a place that trains physicians in age management. After three or four days of treatment, including hormone balancing and nutritional supplements, I felt like I was 35 again. It changed my life completely. I had to let people know about it … I learned about the value of having a life that is free of pain, and with a state of physical and mental well-being.

—Juan Remos, MD
Miami, Fla.

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