Kick the Clutter

Free yourself from clutter for a clearer mind and less-stress living  

No need to wait until spring: Autumn cleaning beckons. It is always a good time to rid yourself of the mess that is not only invading your physical space but clogging up your mind as well. Here we offer a few tips to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new:

Determine what is important
Separate your clothes, shoes, and accessories into yes (I wear consistently), no (I have not worn in over two months), and maybe (I wear sparingly) piles. Commit to giving away every item in the no category. Put everything in the yes pile back into your closet and leave everything in the maybe pile separate for the next two-three weeks. After that time, commit to giving away any clothes that you have not touched in that pile.

Time to get organized
Now that your closet is empty look at it as a perfectly blank canvas that you can make into your own.  Organize your closet by type: (yes) blouses, blazers, pants, skirts, shoes and accessories, for example. There is no right or wrong method. The point is to organize your items in a way that makes sense.

New clothes means NEW YOU
Empty space means space for new clothes.  Now that you’ve said goodbye to the old, it’s time to either enjoy your clutter free closet or change your closet from fun in the sun to autumn chic.  Take advantage of your clutter free closet to update your wardrobe.

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