5 Items to Bring Along for Safer Holiday Travel

For many people, the holidays will look different this year. And while the best course of action is to stay home, some people may have to travel or will choose to see family in small gatherings.

While flying may feel risky, there are some ways to protect yourself–and your loved ones. “Families that still plan on celebrating the holiday season together should follow rigorous safety measures in advance of the gathering,” explains Dr. Leo Nissola, medical expert + immunotherapy scientist, suggesting that members self-isolate for 14 days and get a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test five to seven days before getting together. In addition, there are several precautionary items like masks, nasal sprays and more that can help: 

Face Masks

While there was a lot of debate at first about whether a face mask would help protect against the spread of COVID-19, experts have concluded that it’s actually one of the best. Now, there’s functional and fashionable options to pair with your holiday look like these from Rafi Nova with fun, festive patterns and even full sequins.

While the risk of transmission between two people wearing a mask is low even if they are within six feet of each other, experts recommend opting for a surgical mask when it comes to flying for additional protection: “I recommend anyone above age 2 wear a surgical face mask, not a cloth one, or something even better like an N95 or a KN95 and a face shield or other eye protection,” explains Dr. Dyan Hes, founder of Gramercy Pediatrics in New York City.

Nasal Spray 

In addition to wearing a mask and social distancing when possible, what else can people do now to protect themselves? A new nasal spray and oral antiseptic that just hit the market may be the answer. Halodine is the first nasal, and oral antiseptic to be tested against SARS-CoV-2 and kills the virus in less than 15 seconds. Plus, it provides an additional layer of protection for up to four hours, keeping you and others safe from contracting the virus. No wonder leading institutions and professional sports leagues are using it to protect their workers.

According to Dr. Jesse Pelletier, President of Halodine, “We have to adjust to the new normal, meaning, as we adapt and better understand infection control behaviors, we will gradually learn to live alongside COVID-19. Many of these behaviors in the West are completely new, in contrast to Asia where wearing masks and cleanliness is seen more as a ‘civic duty.’  There are additional layers of protection that may work alongside PPE and masks, including products like Halodine, which are proven to be helpful in the fight against the disease.”

Disinfectant Wipes

Disinfectant wipes are one of the easiest and cheapest ways to clean potentially contaminated surfaces. When flying, “clean your seating area with antibacterial wipes and don’t forget to clean the food tray as well. Only remove your mask for eating or drinking,” says Dr. Hes. Companies from Clorox to the Honest Company make travel packs now to help you clean on-the-go. Pair this process with hand sanitizer to add another layer of protection when you fly. 

Reusable Water Bottle

Staying hydrated when traveling is key to avoiding things like jet lag. But avoiding public gathering points like water fountains is key in preventing exposure to COVID. That’s why you should consider bringing along a reusable water bottle. There are even ones like LARQ that feature self-cleaning technology and a water purification system. Yes, it has a built-in UV-C LED light that can kill up to 99.9999% of bio-contaminants from the bottle and water.

Travel UV Sanitizing Wand

Ultraviolet-C light has been proven to kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and is why you’ll find it being used in places like office buildings. 

Well, there are travel UV sanitizing wands that the average Joe can use too. These are helpful in situations like a hotel room with numerous high-touch surfaces like doorknobs and light switches. Just be sure to follow the directions in terms of time and distance from the surface to ensure it’s working. And given that exposure to the light can be harmful to your skin and eyes, it’s advised you don’t use it on yourself. 

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