Triple threat Natalie Burn chats new thriller Til Death Do Us Part and how she stays in fighting shape

Natalie Burn is an accomplished actor and producer, who stars in the newly released indie film ‘Til Death Do Us Part’, an action-packed thriller about a runaway bride who has to fight off angry groomsmen in order to survive. Apart from her many acting roles, Natalie is also active behind the scenes as a producer with her companies Born to Burn Films and 7Heaven Productions. Born in Kyiv, Ukraine and raised in Moscow and London, Natalie began her career as a ballerina before moving to Los Angeles to pursue her career in acting and producing. We had the chance to sit down with Natalie to discuss her new film, her favorite self-care routines, as well as her go-to workouts for total body wellness…

1. Tell us all about your newest indie film ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ and your role as the main character, “The Bride”.

‘Til Death Do Us Part’ is a cool, genre-bending indie film that blends suspense, action, horror and comedy elements that will hopefully leave you on the edge of your seat. When a bride-to-be runs away from her wedding, she unknowingly sets off a chain of events that leads her down a bloody and violent path. She must fend off seven angry and ruthless killer groomsmen, and face off against the groom himself in a deadly game of survival. 

I play the title role of the Bride opposite some pretty talented actors including Cam Gigandet, Jason Patric, Ser’Darius Blain, Orlando Jones and more. It was an exhilarating experience to say the least. This role was very fun but also challenging. I’m grateful for the experience because it allowed me to explore the adrenaline-pumping blend of survival while showcasing an incredible arc of emotions and self-discovery.

2. Given your athleticism you typically do your own stunts. Was this the case for your action-packed scenes in ‘Til Death Do Us Part’?

I genuinely enjoy taking on my own stunts, and it’s a passion I’ve carried over from my days as a ballerina. Bringing that sense of grace and discipline to the action-packed scenes in ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ was a rewarding challenge. I put in a good month of dedicated training beforehand to make sure I was as prepared as possible. The film gave me a chance to blend my love for performing with my athleticism seamlessly. Whether it was getting into intense hand-to-hand combat or navigating the heart pounding falls, I was fully invested, aiming to bring authenticity to every moment. Of course, I have to mention that while I’m all about pushing boundaries, safety comes first, and that’s why we had an incredibly skilled stunt double step in for a particularly tough motorbike scene.

Nonetheless, I want to stress that a majority of those stunts were my own doing, and I feel genuinely proud of the final product. ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ not only showcases my commitment to the art but also my desire to contribute to the storytelling by delivering compelling and believable action. It’s an aspect of the craft that I’m truly honored to be a part of.

3. After years of doing your own stunts, do you get to have some creative input during your action scenes or are they meticulously choreographed for you? 

You know, it really varies from one movie to the next. ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ was a unique experience where I had the incredible opportunity to contribute creatively and even help shape some of the action choreography. What made this project even cooler was how we embraced the environment – using everything available in the room, props included, to craft the scenes. I always try to incorporate moves that let me showcase my background as a former ballerina. Being adaptable, a quick learner, and always up for a challenge, I find that these traits really help whenever I’m collaborating with choreographers, stunt coordinators, or directors. Personally, I’m a big fan of doing my own stunts, and I’m proud to say that in this film, I took on about 95% – or maybe even 98% – of the stunts myself. So, every punch, every kick, every roundhouse – that’s all me, and it’s something I genuinely enjoy.

4. You started your career as a professional ballerina. Did your background in ballet help you in any way when transitioning into your career as an actor?

Absolutely, my journey as a professional ballerina laid a strong foundation for my transition into acting. The discipline, dedication, and physical awareness I developed in ballet seamlessly translated into my new career. Ballet taught me how to convey emotions through movement, a skill that has proven invaluable on the screen especially in action films. The meticulous attention to detail and the pursuit of perfection in ballet align remarkably well with the demands of acting. Furthermore, the stage experience from my ballet days significantly contributed to my confidence and presence as an actor in front of the camera. The ability to gracefully adapt to different roles and scenarios was honed during my time as a ballerina. Ultimately, my ballet background equipped me with a unique set of skills that continue to enrich my journey in the world of acting.

5. You’re a big believer in total body wellness. What are some workouts that you are loving right now?

Absolutely, taking care of my overall well-being is a big priority for me. For years I’ve been doing yoga and floor ballet – it’s an incredible way to work my core, improve flexibility, and add a unique twist to my routine. Cardio is another key focus. I’m constantly practicing kicks, punches, and those roundhouses – not only does it help strengthen my body, but it also gives me mental clarity that I find incredibly refreshing.

And lately, I’ve been spicing things up by adding animal-exercises into my daily regimen. It’s a playful and effective way to stay active. All these elements combined – from the ballet-inspired floor workouts to the heart-pounding cardio and even the fun animal movements – contribute to a well-rounded fitness routine that helps me feel strong, centered, and ready to take on anything.

6. What are some of your favorite ways to keep your mind and body balanced?

Maintaining a harmonious balance between my mind and body is my top priority. I find great joy in taking extended walks, basking in sunlight, and immersing myself in the beauty of nature’s intricate tapestries. To keep my mind active, I engage in physical activities that help distract from negative thoughts and emotions that might arise during the day. Exploring new games, adventures like escape rooms, traveling, visiting theme parks, and watching movies are my favorite ways to ease my mind. For my body, I’m passionate about sports and learning new things, such as playing tennis, racquetball, basketball, golf, snowboarding, skating, ice skating, swimming and horseback riding. Exploring new destinations also contributes to my overall well-being, ensuring my body stays active and balanced regardless of the day or month. Traveling the world holds a special place in my heart as it allows me to embark on thrilling adventures and explore new countries. The allure of discovering different cultures and landscapes serves as the ultimate connection between my mind and body, enriching my life in more ways than I can describe. Whether it’s strolling through ancient streets, hiking majestic mountains, or lounging on exotic beaches, each journey rejuvenates my spirit and keeps me in perfect harmony with both my physical and mental well-being.

7. What’s your go-to skin care routine after a long day of filming?

After a long day of filming, my go-to skin care routine is all about rejuvenation and self-care. I absolutely love indulging in a hot, soothing bubble bath to unwind. To cleanse away the day’s makeup and impurities, I rely on a gentle yet effective facial wash that leaves my skin feeling refreshed. Following that, I pamper myself with nourishing creams that provide hydration and revitalization. It’s a ritual that not only helps restore my skin’s natural glow but also creates a serene moment for relaxation. Taking care of my skin is an essential part of my post-filming routine, and this combination of luxurious steps ensures I feel refreshed and ready for whatever comes next.

8. Walk us through your Sunday morning self-care routine.

Sunday mornings are like my personal self-care retreat. Sleeping in is non-negotiable, and when I eventually roll out of bed, I kick off with a leisurely stretch that helps me shake off the sleep. A cozy breakfast follows, setting the stage for some quality cuddle time. Whether it’s snuggling up with someone dear or sharing the moment with a furry companion, those warm embraces bring so much joy. Honestly, my Sunday mornings are all about recharging and connecting. They create this tranquil oasis of calm, helping me start the upcoming week with a sense of serenity and balance.

9. What makes you feel empowered?

Empowerment, for me, comes from a multitude of sources. Firstly, it’s about pushing my own limits and taking on challenges, whether in my career or personal life. Embracing my physical strength, like performing my own stunts, is a powerful affirmation of my capabilities. Moreover, the ability to express my thoughts, stand up for my beliefs, and advocate for important causes fills me with a sense of purpose and empowerment. Additionally, connecting with others, sharing experiences, and contributing to a positive impact in their lives is truly fulfilling. Ultimately, empowerment also arises from nurturing my own well-being – taking care of my body, mind, and spirit through self-care routines and moments of quiet reflection. It’s a blend of pushing boundaries, making a difference, and tending to my own growth that truly makes me feel empowered.

10. What’s one last thing you would love our readers to know about you?

If there’s one thing I’d like readers to take away, it’s my unwavering commitment to authenticity. From my dedication to doing my own stunts to embracing my background as a ballerina, I pour my heart into every role and every aspect of my life. Beyond the glitz and glamour, I believe in staying grounded, cherishing moments of connection, and continuously evolving as an artist and individual. My journey is a tapestry woven with passion, resilience, and a deep love for storytelling. I’m here to inspire and be inspired, to create and connect, and to leave a lasting imprint through the characters I portray and the experiences I share.

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