Radicchio, the Phenol Phenom

NEW YOU Anti-Aging Tip: Add Radicchio to your salads for vitamin K and anti-oxidant phenols.

You know what it looks like, but may not know what to call it by name. Colorful but sometimes bitter in taste, the purple and white striped salad lettuce, radicchio turns out to be a nutrient powerhouse. Besides its rich bounty of vitamin K (one nine-calorie cup gives you 128% of your daily requirement), radicchio also has a high concentration of the anti-oxidant plant compounds known as phenols. How many phenols does radicchio have? Almost seven times as much as cucumbers, and two-and-a-half times that of beet greens.  It even beats out broccoli by 20%. The only vegetables that tops radicchio in the phenol category are violet artichokes, red chili peppers and red beets themselves.

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